Completion of a PoC Experiment for the Issuance of a Trust-Beneficiary Stablecoin on Japan Open Chain
Japan Blockchain Foundation Co., Ltd. (Representative Director: Hidekazu Kondo, hereinafter referred to as "our company"), the consortium managing Japan Open Chain, is pleased to announce that our group company G.U.Group, Inc. (Headquarters: Shibuya, Tokyo; Representative Directors: Hidekazu Kondo, Daimei Inaba; hereinafter “G.U.Group”), a provider of Web3 solutions including stablecoin issuance and management systems as well as blockchain infrastructure, is pleased to announce the successful completion of a proof-of-concept experiment in collaboration with Aozora Bank, Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda, Tokyo; President and CEO: Hideto Omi; hereinafter “Aozora Bank”) for the issuance of Japan’s first*¹ trust-beneficiary stablecoin, provisionally named “aJPY,” on the mainnet of Japan Open Chain, an Ethereum-compatible public blockchain operated by Japanese enterprises.